NATO Mission in Iraq
NATO Mission in Iraq
Application Deadline
31-Mar-2024, 11:59:00 PM
Salary (Pay Basis)
OPEN TO NATIONALS OF NATO MEMBER STATES and Troop Contributing Nations ( Australia and Sweden); if you belong to one of the TCN please contact the Civilian Human Resources Office before applying (+39 081 7212727)
LOCATION: Baghdad, Iraq
TITLE: Administrator (Information Knowledge Management)
NATO Mission in Iraq (NMI) is a non-combat, demands-driven advisory and training mission, which executes its tasks in close cooperation with Iraqi partners.
The COS trains, organises, directs and synchronises staff activities to achieve NMI objectives in accordance with the COM’s direction and guidance.
The Director of Staff (DOS) office performs and promotes horizontal and vertical coordination within HQ NMI on behalf of COS, informing COS NMI of any issues that require top-level coordination or de-confliction.
IKM designs and governs the information landscape, and sets out the policy framework required for the flow of information throughout its life-cycle.
Within the IKM section, the incumbent is responsible for the Application Administration, Data Management and information flow with the NMI HQ.
There are first line reporting responsibilities for the following numbers of staff: 2× OR-7
This post reports to:NTI GZK 0010 – Section Head (IKM) – OF-3
This post deputises:NTI GZK 0010 – Section Head (IKM) – OF-3
This post is deputised by:NTI GZK 0030 – Staff Assistant (IKM) – OR-7
The Administrator (IKM) assists Section Head in creating and maintaining direction and guidance in relation to information life cycle .
He/ She f acilitates and co-ordinates staff correspondence and taskings between the Command Group (CG) and the headquarters staff, using the full spectrum of management tools, to include computerized tasker management system and an operational ‘Open Issues List’ as necessary .
The Administrator (IKM) a ssists the Section Head in coordinating information and knowledge management policies and practices within the headquarters as well as developing and maintaining appropriate strategies to promote the synchronization of all IKM tasks; coordinating and managing IKM tools within the HQ .
The Administrator (IKM) develops knowledge, understanding and use of IKM tools and strategies amongst all members of the Command.
He/ She u ndertakes work as part of a project team or working group as directed or assigned.
The employee may be required to perform a similar range of duties elsewhere within the organisation at the same grade without there being any change to the contract
The incumbent is required to undertake operation deployments and/or TDY assignments both within and without NATO’s boundaries.
The incumbent must be prepared for temporary reassignment within NMI’s authorized CE in accordance with ACO 045-003 and as directed by COM NMI, in support of operational requirements.
Given the dynamic operating environment in Iraq, the incumbent must be prepared to retrograde from the Greater Baghdad Area, possibly at short notice, for employment in locations outside of the borders of Iraq and under austere conditions for prolonged periods of time.
Exceptional employment in locations outside of the borders of Iraq and under austere conditions for prolonged periods of time might occur.
The work is normally performed in a Normal NATO office working environment / Secure office environment with artificial light and air (e.g. Bunker).
Slightly Undesirable Conditions apply.
The risk of injury is categorised as: Moderate Risk of Injury
University Degree in library, information science, management information systems, computer science or related discipline with 2 years of post related experience, or Higher Secondary education and completed advanced vocational training leading to a professional qualification or professional accreditation with 4 years post related and 2 years function related experience ;
Minimum three (3) years professional experience in IKM ;
Experience in providing support to higher command within the HQs ;
English Standard Language Proficiency level of “Professional” in speaking and writing, (SLP 3333 based on NATO standards) .
Familiar with NATO processes ;
NATO Information Knowledge Management (IKM) Course (JPL-AA-2678) provided by NATO – School Oberammergau (NSO) ;
ADL 169 Course – Improving Operational Effectiveness by Integrating Gender Perspective;
Previous experience in a NATO staff position(s) or in a major command HQs ;
English Standard Language Proficiency level SLP 4343 based on NATO Standards (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)
Personal attributes
The Administrator (IKM) must be able to develop and maintain interpersonal relationships .
The Administrator (IKM) must have communication, problem solving and conflict resolution skills .
The Administrator (IKM) must possess social skills and cultural awareness.
The Administrator (IKM) must have the a bility to identify specified and implied tasks from discussions and written documents in order to ensure that all are oriented towards objectives.
Professional contacts
Regular professional contacts with others inside and/or outside immediate organization on functional matters. Solicits/gives information and provides advice/guidance .
Contribution to the objectives
The work covers many similar and/or dissimilar tasks which require analysis and research skills within the same subject area. Although clear guidance and standard rules/regulations are available, ability to analyze and solve problems is needed to deal with specific issues. Performance of duties directly impacts the objectives, efficiency, image and the financial resources of the HQ .
The successful candidate will be offered a 12-month definite duration contract, based on operational need/funding for the position.
The basic salary for an MCIV 5 is Euro € 5,960.00 per month (exempt from local taxation). A further amount of 12% of the basic salary will be paid to the staff member every month to satisfy personal pension obligations, plans, and/or schemes. Furthermore, the successful candidate may be eligible to event-based allowances ( hazard, austere, extended working hours), in accordance with the conditions stipulated by the Mission Civilian Rules.
This post is a non-accompanied assignment.
Living quarters provided by NATO.
The NMI mission, while not combat, is executed in a combat environment. Specific roles, responsibilities, and tasks are subject to change based on the Commander’s on-the-spot assessment of the situation. Commander, NMI reserves the right to reassign personnel or reapportion tasks within the CE based on mission requirements/changes. Must be prepared for intra theatre movements by ground or air, in accordance with national force protection caveats. Air quality within the Greater Baghdad area is poor and below NATO health and safety minimum standards.
HQ JFC Naples uses NATO Talent Acquisition Platform. In order to apply for this vacancy, please visit the platform at: https://nato.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en , and search for vacancies within HQ JFC Naples with duty location Baghdad, Iraq.
Once you create your profile, you will be able to use it to apply for other vacancies within NATO.
Important note for candidates:
Staff members are appointed to, and hold posts on the establishment of a NATO body, only on condition that:
They are over 21 and under 65 years of age at the time of taking up their appointments.
A NATO security clearance and approval of the candidate’s medical file by the NATO Medical Advisor are essential conditions for appointment to this post. Applicants are not required to possess a clearance at the time of applying, but they must be eligible for a clearance. HQ JFCNP will take action to obtain the required security clearance from the successful candidates’ national authorities.