All INTERSOS employees are expected to perform their roles and responsibilities according to the
INTERSOS charter of values, code of ethics, PSEA and Child Protection policies. The job description is
mandatory for all positions within INTERSOS and shall be signed by the employee within the first week of
Purpose/objective of the position:
The Education Monitor position main tasks include the overall monitoring of the education context and the
collection of qualitative and quantitative data in the assigned areas of responsibility.
S/he identifies gaps, needs and barriers in education system in the community and ensures the quality and
meaningful access to education for children.
Reporting lines:
The Education Monitor will report to Child Protection/Education Officer during the implementation of the
education project activities (line manager).
Specific Duties:
– Conduct regular monitoring in the communities to support access and quality of education and to
identify gaps related to education (i.e., enrolment challenges, OOSC, teachers’ gaps) and
contribute to disseminate information to community on enrolment procedures;
– Ensure networking with community structures (i.e., local community leaders, outreach volunteers,
School Management Committees/ PTAs, families) in all project target locations;
– Conduct out-of-school children identification assessment through mobilization processes at
community level;
– Identify individual cases with education and protection concerns during data collection for referral
to internal services or specialized agencies and partners;
– Monitor, survey, and assess the target population in the assigned areas at both household and
group level, through regular home visits;
– Organize and conduct FGDs and consultation meetings with teachers, PTAs, community
representatives and children;
– Report on findings from community consultations;
– Conduct education monitoring activities in the area of intervention and at community level using
deferent quantitative and qualitative tools.
– Collect information/data on the overall student enrollment including the children with disability
from the targeted schools;
– Monitor attendance and performance of children during formal school and the first and second
term exams;
– Supervise and ensure proper usage of the assigned equipment and education material in the
targeted schools during the implementation of the non-formal activities;
– Identify children at risk of dropout in close coordination with schools’ principals, social workers
and teachers;
– Understanding and use of data collection tools such as key Informant Interviews, observation
tools, case studies as defined by the Team Leader and Education Manager;
– Supervise transportation services activities for refugee children in formal schools and non-formal
– Supervise the Walking Bus Facilitators (WPF) in following up on the transportation services by
ensuring necessary tools are in place such as list of the children supported, daily bus attendance
sheet and schedule;
– Ensure visibility and safety and security measures are in place;
– Share monthly updates on overall numbers of children supported with transportation with Team
– Contribute to identify OOSC children and children at risk of dropout for the implementation of NFE
activities (remedial and catch-up classes);
– Follow-up on the daily attendance of the children attending non-formal education (remedial and
catch-up classes) and point out the differences/variations from one month to another;
– Support education facilitators/teachers working on the NFE classes to submit pre and post-tests
for children attending classes, collect results and provide Team Leader with quality database;
– Follow-up with teachers on monthly exams/quizzes for teachers participating in Kurdish classes to
assess their knowledge and progress;
– Support the Team Leader in the recruitment process of volunteer teachers needed for NFE classes;
– Encourage and stimulate full participation of children in the planning of education and
recreational activities, including social cohesion activities with special focus on youth and
– Provide guidance to Teachers, PTAs, education committees in the planning and implementation of
participatory community activities, awareness sessions and campaigns and in the general
communication with communities;
– Support REIP sensitization sessions, information dissemination and training activities by conducting
regular awareness sessions on different education and community engagement topics;
– Promoting parent’s participation on the topic of children’s education and disseminating positive
messages to the population while enhancing peace building, social cohesion, and integration
– Contribute to disseminate information on education services provided by INTERSOS to the community through posters and brochures.
Competencies: (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities)
Professional Competencies:
– A minimum of 1-year experience in the Education sector (or any children related
– Experience as a frontline staff (field staff) is required.
– Previous working experience with camp and out of camp settings with IDPs, returnees, refugees
and host- communities.
– Bachelor’s degree in Humanities and/or Education fields.
– Fluency in Arabic, English is an asset.
Computer Skills:
– Data entry and presentation.
– MS Offices (Excel and word). PowerPoint is an asset.
– Ability in analysing data and issue timely structured reports;
– Knowledge of the context and of the Education system in KRI;
– Knowledge of Child Safeguarding policy and PSEA;
– Strong diplomatic, interpersonal, listening and communication skills;
– Ability to work in a multicultural context as a flexible and respectful team;
– Pro-activity and independency;
– Flexibility and ability to cope with stressful situations;
How To Apply
INTERSOS is an equal opportunity employer and reserves the right for everyone to apply to its vacancies without any discrimination.
For those interested and meet the required criteria, please click HERE to apply.
Kindly note that:
- Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
- Your resume must be uploaded in PDF format.
- INTERSOS is reviewing applications on a rolling basis, and we reserve the right to close the vacancy before the mentioned closing date.
- The preference will be given to qualified candidates from the recruitment area.
إنترسوس تتمتع بتكافؤ الفرص وتحتفظ بالحق للجميع في التقدم للوظائف الشاغرة دون أي تمييز.
للمهتمين والذين يستوفون المعايير المطلوبة ، يرجى النقر هنا للتقديم.
لطفا لاحظ ذلك:
- سيتم الاتصال فقط لمن يكون ضمن قائمة المرشحين المختصرة.
- يجب تحميل سيرتك الذاتية بصيغة
- تقوم انترسوس بمراجعة التقديمات بصورة دورية ، ونحتفظ بالحق في إغلاق الوظيفة الشاغرة قبل تاريخ الإغلاق المذكور في حال ايجاد الشخص المناسب.
- سيتم إعطاء الأفضلية للمرشحين المؤهلين من سكان المنطقة.
Deadline: 2/15/2023