KBR, Inc.
The Geomatics Department Is Responsible For
Management of Client Geotechnical and Geomatics Contract which involves the provision of all
- Geotechnical investigation, analysis and reporting (through Company SME)
- Topographic and Geodetic Surveys:
- Stake-out
- Detail Survey /As-Built survey using traditional and/or drone, laser scanning or other standard techniques
- Position and quality checking
- Underground utility surveys, bathymetric, dimensional control and other bespoke surveys
- Volumetrics
- Imagery and other photogrammetrically derived products
Provision And Maintenance Of Clients GIS Data Base
- Specifically Explosive remnants of war mapping and related products
- Utility, facility and other infrastructure mapping
- Provision of mapping or other information graphics
- Unofficial but de-facto advising on land allocation conflicts and route planning
- Provision of web-based GIS, desktop visualisation of data and dissemination of geo-spatial information.
Ideal Candidate
The ideal candidate will have experience as a land surveyor (topographic and geodetic) with a background in GIS and its applications. An understanding of shallow sub-surface process applicable to geotechnical or environmental situations would be considered as an advantage.
Geomatics Lead, Roles And Responsibilities
The Geomatics Lead when in position is responsible to Senior Management via the Department Manager (Senior Lead) for all aspects in the competent technical and administrative day to day running of the Geomatics Department. He/she will be in a rotational position with the Geomatics Manager (Senior Lead) and must display a degree of technical independent capability and be able to work unsupervised ensuring that the direction and goals set by the Department Manager (Senior Lead), are maintained during his/her rotational tenure.
The Geomatics Lead should have a wide range of oil and gas industry experiences related geo-spatial data, its collection, classification, transformation to information and dissemination in useful formats and project specific products. He/She should have confidence and bring to the Department Manager (Senior Lead) and suggestions for improving Department technical and administrative procedures and ongoing Department QA processes.
The position entails the daily resolution of competing priorities between departments and projects, the successful candidate must be able to display a robustness of character in dealing with and prioritising scant resources to achieve successful outcomes for all key stakeholders.
Reports To
Geomatics Manager, Senior Department Lead (during Probation) or as appointed by Site Manager
Direct Reports
Key Responsibilities When At Site Include
- Ensuring that all Geomatics Department activities are undertaken in a safe manner.
- Walkdown surveys to identify risks and mitigation requirements.
- Periodic site safety inspections to ensure sub-contractor compliance.
- Regular briefing of sub-contractors during daily TBTs.
- Maintenance of Departmental technical excellence in all activities and aspects.
- Assisting the Department Manager in the management of the Client’s Geomatics contract(s) or other related contracts that the Company has contractual responsibility for and deemed within the remit of the Geomatics Department activities.
- As directed by the Department Manager, maintain, review, update, and augment Clients geo-spatial database. GIS, survey results and benchmark lists –ensuring the delivery of timely geo-spatial projects for all activities requiring this information.
- Report to Client about Department activities and receive instructions for execution as directed.
- Manage with assistance as required, the daily and specialist topographic survey tasking together with geotechnical, underground utility surveys other specialist techniques on an as needed basis.
- QC of survey adjustments
- QC of submitted reports, drawings or plans.
- Arbitration, when necessary, between conflicting QC results and sub-contractors’ expectations.
- Liaise with Company subject matter experts for example geotechnical investigation tasks to ensure that Client and project expectations are met or excelled.
- Advise the Department Manager (Senior Lead) on any information gathered about future or potential projects that will require Geomatics support and provide such if required during his/her rotation – anticipate future needs.
- Technical review of all external and internal documents, maps, plans, or other papers relating to Department activities and involvement
- Advising project managers on best practices/industry standards to acquire geo-spatial data in a timely and project compatible format.
- Provide geospatial information to Company and other sub-contractors on the often competing and hostile land requirements for different and unrelated projects.
- Department Lead must display impartiality to the competing needs of different projects.
- Keep informed and abreast of current industry standards and developments – introduction of these techniques to the Development as appropriate.
- Preparation of all mandatory reporting/records (weekly and monthly) and ad-hoc COMPANY requirements.
Education, Skills & Experience
- BSc in related discipline (Geomatics, Surveying, ). Candidates with other related higher education will also be considered.
KEY Experience And Skill Set
Computer literate and manipulation of geo-spatial data using standard or bespoke software
Geographic Information system (GIS)
- Must have a minimum 10 years working experience with an additional minimum 8 years in the in Oil and Gas industry in both upstream and downstream related roles Operator and service Company experience will be advantageous.
- Experience with Middle East Oil and Gas operations will be considered as advantageous.
- Candidates demonstrating experience in other industries will also be considered on an individual basis.
- Must have a skill set based on a background in geodetic and site/land surveying, spatial data capture analysis, their integration and product information/generation for Oil and Gas Industry related activities and project support.
- Experience in geodetic/land surveying calculations, transformations and least squares adjustments, this includes expertise on the use of grids and datums in use in oil-field activities.
- Must have at least 5 years’ experience using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their application to providing support products to related oil and gas industry project activities. Other industry experience will be considered on merit.
- Experience in the deployment of equipment and survey for underground (UG) utility detection.
- Experience with other forms of spatial data capture and translation into spatial information such as UAV, Lidar, mobile mapping, gravity, CORS, 3D photogrammetry.
- Experience with tender preparation and technical evaluation, budget management, technical scope of work (SoW) writing and management.
Advantageous Skills
- Candidates’ demonstration a knowledge of GIS coding and scripting will be at an advantage
- Candidates’ demonstration a knowledge of Remote Sensing imagery and the integration/interrogation of these products into GIS will be at an advantage
- Candidates’ demonstration a knowledge of geological and shallow subsurface processes for geotechnical surveys will be at an advantage.
- Candidates’ demonstration a knowledge of upstream petroleum operations, drilling and geological evaluation will be at an advantage.
To apply for this job please visit careers.kbr.com.