• Contract
  • Erbil,Iraq
  • TBD USD / Year

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.

Kurdistan Save the Children KSC



About KSC:

Kurdistan Save the Children is a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian organization that

provides assistance regardless of race, gender, traditions, political or religious affiliation.

We work with children in various fields of child protection, sponsorship, health and education. Our

main aim is to work directly or indirectly, to ensure a better future for children, through improving

and providing their various medical, social, economical, and educational needs.

KSC has been established in 1991. our main office is located in Sulaymaniyah.

 Project title:

Protection and assistance for refugees and asylum seeker children in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah governorates.

About project:

This project seeks to provide protection services to refugees/asylum seekers, IDPS and host community children with the main focus on refugees/asylum seekers residing in the urban and camp areas of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah Governorates through: Providing specialized child protection services and support through case management for refugees, Conducting BIA and participating in the BID Panel under the overall framework of UNHCR’s Best Interest Procedures (BIP), Establishing or strengthening the capacity of community-based child protection structures, Community outreach/mobilization such as conducting awareness raising sessions for children and their parents/caregivers, Providing recreational, structured and non-structured PSS activities, as well as physiotherapy for children with disabilities, providing capacity building to government counterparts responsible for child protection.


Scope of work:

Case Management supervisors to supervise and provide support for CP social workers in Erbil.




  • Assessing the Child Protection/CP cases on monthly and quarterly basis to review open cases, and do follow ups on existing cases through the case management procedures.
  • Delegate tasks among the staffs along to the priority and giving them support in rolling out the project.
  • Contributes to the identification of cases of neglect, abuse, exploitation, and coercion against children. Reports timely about identified cases to a case worker. Receives cases from the community and refers them to the social workers.
  • Reports to the CP officer in order to achieve effectively the project’s objectives.
  • Monitor the internal and national SOPs, guidelines, and referral mechanisms according to the CP Minimum Standards and Humanitarian Standards.
  • Monitor and assess the case documentation correctly through revising the files and the existing database.
  • Give priority to the confidentiality of information, protect the registered data within the organization, and respect the information-sharing protocols.
  • Support sensitive and non-sensitive cases regularly according to CM services.
  • Attend meetings, case conferences, BID panels, and online meetings for complex cases in collaboration with other parties.
  • Sharing the main risks with the child protection specialist and trying to solve the barriers.
  • Supervises social workers and support them through the provision of technical guidance.
  • Promotes a stimulating working environment, participation of staff, community and children in project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of CM activities.
  • Offering awareness within the organization and outside of the organization in the community about CP concepts, such as on violence against children.
  • Prepare official guidance to internal employees from different departments regarding how to respond to cases of child abuse.



Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in social sciences or related field.
  • Strong background of child protection.
  • Minimum 2-3-year experience in national/international NGOs.
  • Minimum 1-year experience as case management team leader/supervisor.
  • Strong knowledge of case management process and SOPs.
  • Fluent in Kurdish and Arabic (written and spoken). English is necessary as well.

How To Apply

Important Notice 

Please fill in your email address line with (CM Supervisor), any email without the subject line will not be processed. 


please send your CV to the following address : 


Deadline : 2023-02-20source: NCCI