  • Contract
  • Baghdad,Iraq
  • TBD USD / Year

  • Job applications may no longer being accepted for this opportunity.

BWA Iraq


Job Overview:

  • Translate all BWA activities in both English & Arabic plus sending them to BWA president via E-mail.

Major Responsibilities:

  • Translate final & monthly reports of BWA projects & listening centers.
  • Translate releases of the projects & listening centers’ activities.
  • Translate the conclusions resulted from the meetings of BWA Board Members.
  • Translate BWA activities received via e-mails.
  • Work on periodical updating of the CVs of BWA staff members including listening centers in both English & Arabic.
  • Conduct the tasks required in accordance with his/her specification.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in Translation or English Language.
  • Experience in the field of work is required.
  • Work under different conditions & enduring working for long hours.
  • Keep the information of BWA work secret.
  • Computer skills & internet.
  • English & Arabic languages (excellent written & spoken).
  • Respect the financial & human resources policies followed inside BWA through respecting the staff, time keeping, transparency, honesty besides avoiding violence.
  • Conduct the tasks required in accordance with his/her specification.




➢ Translation of the written documents and texts (including correspondence, reports, documents and texts) in a culturally appropriate manner.

➢ Interpretation efficiently and at a high level in and out of Arabic and English and other languages may be determined according to the needs of the Association.

➢ Communicate with the individuals working in the association and the Board of Directors to complete the required work.

➢ Knowledge of the legal, technical and gender terms (gender terminology).

➢ Knowledge of the mechanisms and culture of work (protocol of official communications) for international and community organizations, governmental ministries and institutions.

How To Apply

The CV is sent through the email. The candidates will be contacted through their phone numbers  to fix a date for an interview. 

Please send your CV to (info@bwa-iraq.org).

– Please state the job title in the subject line: Translator – Baghdad Women Association / Baghdad office 

– CVs in the form of IMG, pictures, screen-shots and links will not be accepted.

– Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

– Applications past the expiration date of the advertisement will not be considered.


Best of luck

Deadline: 2/14/2023