Job Announcement
Job Title: MEAL Officer Report to: Programs Manager
Work type: Full time Duration : 3 years
About us
Background and Overview
SSORD is a non-profit, non-governmental organization focusing on humanitarian, relief, development as well as charitable activities and able to provide relief assistance to host community (vulnerable people), returnee refugees and IDPs, regardless of race, color, religion and cultural background. SSORD works in Anbar, Baghdad, Salaheldin, Najaf, Karbala, and Ninawa. The headquarter is in Baghdad with several other field offices located in areas of interventions. SSORD vision is to focus on implementing relief and development activities that benefit all vulnerable Iraqis without discrimination. The mission of the organization is to provide vulnerable communities with sustainable humanitarian services and improve their socio-economic status.
SSORD humanitarian interventions include WASH, Livelihood, Peace Building, Education, and Child Protection. Our work in Anbar, Baghdad, Najaf, Karbala, Salaheldin, Ninawa has resulted in hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect beneficiaries. Thanks to strong community engagement and joint planning with local authorities, SSORD has been able to maximize the cost-efficiency of its interventions and create multiplier effects for the population. In every location, SSORD has established community-based committees that are systematically consulted and involved into the planning, implementation and monitoring of the activities. Local authorities have supported SSORD’s project planning and delivery through meetings, field visits, and free of charge service delivery. SSORD is also a member of the Education, Protection, Child Protection, Livelihoods and WASH clusters at the local level. In Baghdad and Anbar governorates SSORD is registered with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and holds regular contacts with local authorities at district level.
Brief :
Tdh and WCUK are leading CP, Education and MHPSS actors in Iraq and in the MENA region, while BROB and SSORD bring expertise in providing Education and CP services in hard-toreach areas. The consortium brings to this project expertise in providing contextualised protection services for children and youth affected by migration (CYAM), including IDPs, returnees and refugees in formal and non-formal education settings. Partners have proven experience in systems strengthening by linking community to the schools through establishing Parent Teachers Association (PTAs) / School Management Committee (SMCs) accompanying the development of school codes of conduct, planning improvement, enhancing teachers’ capacity on inclusive, child-centred and gender-sensitive teaching methodologies through training, mentoring, coaching, setting up teachers’ peer-to-peer support structures in school, and supporting education authorities to develop disaster resilient schools – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
M&E Officer
- The Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Officer manages information and reporting processes and products to ensure professional, . The MEAL Officer will also play an important role in improving information management and data quality, and in strengthening knowledge sharing and learning across the organization and with the international health and development communities. The MEAL Officer will assume responsibility for full-cycle monitoring and evaluation of programs, developing appropriate methodologies and tools to design evaluations.
Primary Responsibilities:
- Develop, implement, and assess monitoring frameworks for all SSORD partnerships and projects, as well as for funding proposals
- Develop the overall framework for project M&E systems in collaboration with donor and senior project staff, including requirements, reporting, baseline, and evaluation surveys; develop and monitor project management plan to systematically document performance
- Ensure the alignment of M&E activities with program goals
- Contribute to the development of annual work plans to identify project targets and ensure inclusion of M&E activities
- Maintain existing indicator tracking tools; develop additional databases and tracking tools as needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of project interventions.
- Analyze data for accuracy, flag validation or quality issues, and contribute to system fixes
- Aggregate and analyze data from across SSORD information platform to contribute to management decision-making and reporting
- Ensure quality and timely submission of country quarterly reports; manage preparation of additional reports for donors as required
- Generate monthly indicator reports for tracking progress against key indicators as needed.
- Ensure a unified approach to partner self-assessment and programmatic close-out reporting.
- Conduct field visits for data validation and to monitor the quality and completeness of data sets; coordinate data collection at project sites to monitor program development and ensure timely compilation and reporting of data; capture and document lessons learned; and champion the scaling up best practices
- Provide technical leadership and support to project and partner staff in planning and implementing M&E systems and activities, data-based program decision-making, and results reporting; provide training as needed.
- Support the development, design, and writing of proposals and concept notes for related programming information management and reporting.
- Create and integrate graphics in reports and information products to help visualize data in a meaningful way.
- Edit content and presentation of all reporting and deliverables before submittal to ensure superior quality and professionalism.
- Coordinate responses to requests for information.
- Contribute to developing and reporting of project reviews, assessments, surveys, and other analytic or evaluation processes and products.
- Support recruiting, interviewing, and training new M&E staff and/or consultants
- Cultivate and strengthen relationships with local partner organization, donors, private sectors partners, and national authorities
- Other duties as assigned
Qualifications & Skills
– Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree.-
-Proven success in designing, implementing, and operating M&E systems from project initiation to close out.
•At least 4 year of experience in the design and implementation of M&E in development projects
- Experience in designing tools and strategies for data collection, analysis and production of reports;
•Expertise in analyzing data using statistical software;
•Strong training & facilitation skills.
Language Requirements:
Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English
How To Apply
please send your English CV to SSORD email:
Please indicate the Title of the position in the Subject line.
**CVs without subject line ” MEAL Officer “ will not be considered.
Links to CVs will not be taken into consideration.
**Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Minimum Three References to be provided with CVs, CVs without references will not be considered
Deadline: 2023-02-28